Although Sydney today doesn’t seem like it, there are no shortage of spooky and scary stories that are encapsulated in the walls of Sydney. The Rocks is a buzzing and vibrant area with incredible cafes and restaurants and a magnificent market. However there are also several ghosts stories which originate from this area, so here are a few of those spooky stories.
This story is called the Shipmate in Room 8 and is set in the infamous Russell Hotel. For most people may only think of this hotel as a great place for a drink but it is said to be one of the most, if not the most haunted hotel in Sydney. Over the lifespan of this particular hotel it has taken the form of many places, it has been a hospital, a hostel and even an unofficial brothel. Even though many people have past through the doors of this place, the most famous of all is a nameless sailor who was murdered by a sex worker. This happened in room 8 and it has been said that his spirit is present in this room, however reports have only been when women have been there sleeping on their own.
You would not suspect that in an area with fancy shops in the inner west would also have a spooky paranormal reputation. The nameless street you will find is padlocked and fenced off from the public using a barbed wire fence and inside overgrown shrubs dominate with a sign reading ‘DANGER: crane working overhead’. Well surprise surprise there is no crane present in this creepy street, and this is what leaves us to believe that there is something more scary afoot here. The supposed haunting of this site is in relation to a series of murders and deaths in the area. These days there are reports of dogs behaving strangely as well as humans experiencing unusual symptoms such as drastic temperature changes and the feelings of anxiety when walking around this area.
In an extremely dark section of road along the Northern Beaches is a particularly scary ghost story. The tale goes that a young girl would open the doors of cars driving down this road after midnight and jump in the backseat. The ghost is said to have piercing green eyes that can be seen through the rear vision mirror tormenting the driver and compelling the driver to continue to return again and again to the site. Scarily enough the ghost allegedly convinces the drivers to crash their car...
Are ghosts real? Maybe!